Happening in ARAS
To show our community pride ARAS has
become involved with the Adopt A Highway Road Clean Up Program.
If you are 15 years or older and would like to join us 2 –
3 times a year for a couple of hours in keeping the Rte 202 Redmond/Sammamish
community beautiful and litter free, please contact Shari Newton
at shari@newsof.com.
[See photos below.]
Tent City is always in need of: hand sanitizer,
duct tape, tarps, sleeping bags, blankets, Theraflu, cold meds,
Tums and AAA batteries. If you would like to donate these things
to Tent City. Please contact Elizabeth Maupin eli410maupin@gmail.com
for location information.
The ARAS African
Bike Drive is held in the spring in Sammamish at which time
used bikes and bikes parts will be needed along with volunteers
to help prepare the bikes for shipment to Ghana and Sierra Leone
Africa. Consider organizing a used bike collection event at your
school, neighborhood, work or place of worship. Volunteers with
trucks are also needed to pick up donations before the event. Please
contact Mary Trask at 360-366-8421 or send an email to MaryTraskARAS@gmail.com
for location and dates.
The ARAS Team is always looking for volunteers who
enjoy interior decorating and would like to help prepare the ARAS
apartment at the Y Villages in Redmond WA when a new transitional
family moves in. Contact Jill Logie to assist with this project
at wjlogie@msn.com.
ARAS promotes literacy by donating thousands of books
each year to families in need, tent city residents and social service
agencies who share these written treasures with their clients. If
you have children’s books or novels that your family no longer
needs, please consider donating them to our Promoting Literacy Program.
Please contact Mary Trask at 360-366-8421 or send an email to
MaryTraskARAS@gmail.com .
All eastside cities around the Seattle area are
involved in a month long food drive each autumn. If you would like
to volunteer please contact the City
of Sammamish to find out how you can participate. This is a
great volunteer group project.
The Harvest Festival has changed to become the Hope
Festival. It is now being held in Feb and run by Tyler Zangaglia.
In Feb 2016 Tyler along with hundreds of volunteers prepared the
event and served eastside families in need. It was a huge success
and he did an amazing job. To see the Hope Festival 2016 go to:
Many volunteers are needed to serve donated clothes, books, and
groceries to families in need. If you are a licensed hair stylist
or massage therapist please consider donating your talent to this
day of giving. To volunteer please contact: tylerzang@comcast.net

Success Coaching
Bob Trask conducts weekly success coaching sessions; both individually and
with groups on conference calls and webinars. Participants receive tools
and materials that help them as they are guided through the process to their
visions. Bob believes we each are here with a divine mission to fulfill,
that unless we discover it and get busy, our lives cannot be fulfilled and
will be much more a struggle than they need be. Write to Bob at bob@arasfoundation.org
for more information.
Current Lean On Me Projects:
Bike Project
Hope Festival
The Lean On Me Program; founded
by Mary Trask
In the winter of 2002, Lean On Me was created to fulfill a twofold vision:
1. To help those most in need.
2. To facilitate the spirit of community volunteerism.
Every year thousands of volunteer hours serve dozens of important projects
under the inspiration and guidance of the ARAS Lean On Me Program.
At Risk-Homeless Teen Meals and
Adult Tent City Meals
Contact Mary Trask at
for dates and to find out
what donated food items are needed for the meals. Servers are welcomed.
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