Annual African Bike Drive since 2005!
For questions please contact:
Nancy MacPherson:
The Bike Project of 2017 was a great success!
278 bikes plus bike parts such as inner tubes, bike pumps, helmets, etc.
were shipped to Sierra Leone Africa from the 2017 drive that was held
in Sammamish, WA. Volunteers helped prepare the bikes for shipment by
lowering handlebars and seats allowing more bikes to be placed into the
shipping cargo container. Special thanks to Sammamish Hills Lutheran Church
for allowing us to use their parking lot and for recruiting volunteers
during their day of service and to Nancy MacPherson, Tim Myers, Chanda
Hair, Tom Ryan, Stefanie Haugen, Stephanie Murphy, Winson Taam, Damilola
and Arinola Dada, Carter Bechtel, Eastside Catholic School and the staff
at Village Bicycle Project for assuring the success of the drive through
their dedication and hard work.
In scores of poverty villages on this planet, the only transportation
is by foot or bicycle. While those with bikes can reach distant jobs,
schools or markets, without transportation other families constantly fall
further into multi-generational poverty. Several years ago we discovered
how dramatically the ownership of one bicycle transforms a barely subsisting
family into one of improved security, health and self-reliance. Since
then ARAS has made sending bikes to poverty villages a priority. Over
the last 12 years, in support of the Village Bicycle Project, ARAS has
collected over 7,600 bikes and thousands of bikes parts which have been
shipped to Ghana and Sierra Leone Africa.
(Photos below)
Your used bicycle can greatly enrich the life of a poor family in Africa
or elsewhere in the world!
Many bikes we accept are new or like-new while others need repairs or
parts. However, if it is not badly rusted, any bike can be restored and
made serviceable for thousands more miles. For a day of energetic fun
and accomplishment, plan on helping us prepare bikes for shipping. This
is a community service project suitable for the whole family where we
provide tools and teach what you need to know. For more information or
if you have a bike to donate or can help pick up donated bikes call 360-366-8421
or email
To make a donation of cash or other resources,
please click here: Donations
Enjoy these photos from the 2017 Bike Project

Enjoy these photos from the 2016 Bike Project

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